Horse Basics Category

Horse Color Pt. 3 – Appaloosa

Appaloosa Characteristics

While the patterns vary widely from animal to animal, there are a few characteristics that remain constant across all animals affected by this white pattern.

Appaloosa Patterns

There are an immeasurable number of patterns in the appaloosa spectrum and they can be mixed and matched.

Name Your Horse Markings Pt. 2 – The Legs

Almost all horses have leg markings of some sort, from a tiny spot of white to whole white legs. Here are the general definitions of each marking, which are a bit more definitive than markings on the face because they are based on leg anatomy.

Name Your Horse Markings Pt. 1 – The Face

Horse face markings are as varied as the animals who wear them. Each horse marking is wholly unique to them, but most fall under several broad categories.