Tobiano is by far the most well known and easily identified pinto patterns and is created by a dominant gene and can occur on any coat color. Unlike some of the other pintos, tobiano patterns develop in the womb and remain the same throughout their life. In the minimal expression, they will have no body spots, but white leg markings, they are called slipped tobianos.
Defining Characteristics
- Pigmented skin can extend beyond the spot into the white area (shadow paint, ghost paint or halo paint).
- Can be predominately colored or white or 50/50.
- Don’t generally have extreme white markings on their face.
- White is arranged in a vertical pattern and extends over the topline between the ears and tail.
- Spots are usually round and distinct and extend down over the neck and chest.
- Flanks and chest are usually base colored, the absence of these spots means another pattern is present.
- Tail is often multicolored.
- Can have pawprints in the white areas.
- May also have ermine spots.
Mistaken Identity
Pure tobiano animals are not as common as mixed pattern tobiano animals, creating a wider spectrum of pattern types. Tobiano and overo combined patterns are called tovero. Luckily this is one pinto that has a few telling factors that can help you visually identify, their base colored head and white legs. Making them fairly easy to distinguish, as they are the only pinto pattern with no face spotting.