The term criollo has long been used in the Americas to describe something of Spanish lineage, from people to horses. The Criollo Uruguayo is a strain of Criollo that is bred specifically in Uruguay.
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The Cavall Pirinenc Català or Catalan Pyrenean Horse is a heavy draft type that comes from the Pyrenees and Catalan pre-Pyrenees.
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The Caballo de Monte de País Vasco or Basque Country Mountain Horse is named for the Autonomous Community where it is found in Basque Country, Spain.
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Found in the Renchinlhumbe, Bayanzurkh, Ulaan-Uul, Khankh, Tsagaannuur soums of Khuvsgul provinces of Mongolia, the Darkhad is a type of Mongolian horse that is raised at around 8000ft elevation.
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Also called Mustangs of India, the Kachchhi Sindhi Horse is similar to both Kathiawari and Marwari as they also have crescent shaped ears, although theirs don’t touch at the tips. This breed is visually distinguishable from the other two by their (obviously Barb influenced) roman nose. They are a distinctly desert breed and come from the Rajasthan and Gujarat regions.
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The Belgian Heavy Draft horse bloodlines date back to 1870 and while their numbers have fluctuated and they are vulnerable, they manage to hold on.
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The Yuta horse is a small horse breed indigenous to Bhutan and one of the handful of breeds found in the country. They are incredibly hardy and their placid temperament is preferred to donkeys as pack animals.
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As the name suggests, the Anglo-Arabo-Sardo or Sardinian Anglo-Arab comes from the island of Sardinia in Italy.
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