Interestingly enough, the Kathiawari breed possesses the most inward curved ears of any breed on the planet (yes, including the Marwari). They touch and often overlap one another at the tips – in fact, this is an indication of pure breeding.
Also called Kathi, Kutchi, Kathiawari and Cutchi, the origin of the Kathiawadi breed is a mystery as there is no documentation available, but the breed takes it’s name from the region of Kathiawar in India where it originates.
It is thought that the breed came from a cross between the blood of local animals with that of Arabians rescued from a shipwreck off the coast at Veraval Port. In the early days the breed was maintained by the chiefs and bred for their requirements.
Great pride was taken in the development of the Kathiawadi and breeding was closely monitored, of all breeds indigenous to India this one is considered the finest. The result was a great warhorse that was known for speed and agility as well as undying loyalty to their riders. These animals were said to stand over their wounded riders kicking and biting at anyone who dared approach.
Today the Gujarat government maintains the breeding farms and has used pureblooded animals to improve breeds in other areas as well. However, there are a few private breeders who maintain their own lines as well. There is very little difference between the Kathiawadi and the Marwari lines as they come from the same stock but are bred for a slightly different type.
Average height 13.3 – 15.2 hands
Head is handsome with a concave profile and held high
Ears are bent inward until they touch at the tips
Neck is short and set high
Body is well proportioned
Tail is carried high
Traditional Colors
All colors
High spirited but manageable
Intelligent and affectionate
Riding horse
Light draft
Polo pony
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