The Marwari Horse comes from India and is perhaps best known for their ears which point inwardly often until they touch or overlap. This is generally a sign of pure blood.
This is an old breed that was born of war and their breeding began when a strong, fast and hardy war mount was needed. The exact origin of the Marwari breed is unknown, but they share close blood ties with the Kathiawari and both are thought to possess Arabian blood. It is often difficult to tell the difference between the two, although they are bred for different types. Marwari animals are generally slightly larger and leaner of the two, Kathiawari often found with a stockier build.
Throughout the Middle Ages the Marwar people continued to be known for their cavalry horses, although sadly when the wars ended so did the need for a suitable cavalry mount. The lack of interest in the breed brought their numbers dangerously low. Until early in the 20th century when steps were taken to rescue their bloodlines from extinction. Pure specimens of the Marwari breed are still rare today, but the Indian government has become involved in preserving them.
Average height 15 – 16 hands
Head is refined with a straight profile
Cars curve inward almost until they touch
Neck is clean and slightly arched
Back is short and strong
Legs are long with strong joints
Feet are extremely hard
Traditional Colors
chestnut | black | bay | palomino | pinto
Brave and loyal
Wedding ceremonies
Carriage horse
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