A light riding horse from Afghanistan, the Qazal is not an actual breed but more a type of horse found in the country. The word for Afghan horses with a light coat is qazal, so this type is known for their coloring.
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A light riding horse from Afghanistan, the Qazal is not an actual breed but more a type of horse found in the country. The word for Afghan horses with a light coat is qazal, so this type is known for their coloring.
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The Palomino is a color breed and therefore the animals are registered based on possessing specific coloring rather than physical characteristics.
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The Nez Perce Horse is an appaloosa breed that was developed by the Nez Perce tribe of Idaho.
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The Minusin breed is similar to many of the steppe breeds, having been shaped by life on the steppes. However these animals tend to be more robust and imposing in stature. According to the DAD-IS this breed is extinct as of 2006.
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The Marwari Horse comes from India and is perhaps best known for their ears which point inwardly often until they touch or overlap. This is generally a sign of pure blood.
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The Lundy Pony is named for the isle of Lundy in the Bristol Channel of England. There are no horses native to the cluster of islands there, so this breed was developed by the last private owner of Lundy Island.
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The small Hmong Horse is native to Vietnam and although they are very small, the have no problem bearing the weight of a full-grown man.
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The Golden American Saddlebred is a color breed and is registered with the American Saddlebred Horse Association. They are unique in their blonde coloring which is due to a cream dilution gene in their bloodlines.
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Also called Ardennais, the Ardennes is bred in several European countries, all of their bloodlines are very similar and registries will accept animals bred in different countries. The French strain of Ardennes is significant however, because the Ardennes breed is native to the French and Belgian Ardennes so France recognizes it as a national breed.
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Also called Cesky Teplokrevnik, the Czech Warmblood is an all around animal with a great deal of versatility. They are a popular warmblood and often exported as riding horses to western European countries,
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