Perhaps the rarest breed in a nation full of them, the Napoletano Horse comes from the Campania region in Italy. Named for Naples, these animals can be found throughout European literature after the 16th century.
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Perhaps the rarest breed in a nation full of them, the Napoletano Horse comes from the Campania region in Italy. Named for Naples, these animals can be found throughout European literature after the 16th century.
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Also called Siciliano Indigeno and Cavallo Siciliano, the Sicilian Horse is found on the island of Sicily and has an obvious Asian influence in their conformation.
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Similar to other breeds or types in the area, the Spiti is a dwarf mountain horse found in the Spiti District from which it takes its name. There are two strains of the breed, pure Spiti and Konimare, which tends to be taller than pure bloods.
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The Javakhuri Harness Horse is a versatile trotter that is extremely resilient and well adapted to the long Georgian winters. These animals are also good riding horse, pack animals and produce solid mules.
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Also called Wild Horses of Roraima, the Lavradeiro comes from Roraima in the north of Brazil, near the Venezuelan border. They are the descendants of Spanish Colonial Horses.
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A small horse from from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Misko is not officially a breed, but rather a type of the Bosnian Mountain Horse that was developed as a heavier variety.
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The Gazal or Ghazal is a saddle horse from Bosnia and Herzegovina and like much of horseflesh in this country, it’s not actually a breed. However, unlike other animals the Gazal isn’t related to the Bosnian Mountain, but a strain of purebred Arabian specific to the country. Used mainly to improve other breeds.
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Also called Bengali, the Bangladesh Native Horse is a small breed of horse native to the country. They are loosely related to a group of Southeast Asian ponies.
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