Now called Morocco Spotted Horse, the North American Spotted Draft Horse comes from one spotted mystery stallion and his son named Charlie.
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Now called Morocco Spotted Horse, the North American Spotted Draft Horse comes from one spotted mystery stallion and his son named Charlie.
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The Clydesdale is a heavy draft breed native to Scotland. At some point they made their way across the ocean and American breeders took notice of their handsome conformation and robust nature.
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The Cleveland Bay is the oldest British breed of horse, named for the Cleveland area of England. While many of the horses imported to the US during colonization were Spanish, the English brought animals too.
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Not actually a breed, the term Broomtail is an old term referring to a small, wild horse of poor quality in the American West. In some places it is used specifically for mares, fuzztail being the male term.
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The Welara Pony comes from a cross between Welsh Ponies and Arabian horses, the resulting animals possesses refined beauty, intelligence and a good temperament.
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The Walkaloosa is an appaloosa horse that moves with an ambling gait, like the Spanish Jennet. Appaloosa horses have displayed a pacing gait dating back to China thousands of years ago, slowly making their way into Europe and eventually the Americas.
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The Virginia Highlander Horse is a relatively new breed, developed in Sugar Grove Virginia by a man named William Pugh. Pugh’s intentions were to create a small, gentle riding horse that was suitable for women and children.
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The Tiger Horse breed was established in 1992 and based on the spotted horses of the Iberian peninsula, the name Tiger used to describe their lovely spotted coats.
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The Tennuvian horse comes from a cross between Tennessee Walking Horses and Peruvian Pasos. Although there is a strong chance these two breeds have been crossed before, the Tennuvian name was officially coined by Paula Bosner of Colorado.
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The Sugarbush Draft Horse has an interesting story to tell, as against all odds the colorful breed has persisted throughout the years.
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