The Walkaloosa is an appaloosa horse that moves with an ambling gait, like the Spanish Jennet. Appaloosa horses have displayed a pacing gait dating back to China thousands of years ago, slowly making their way into Europe and eventually the Americas.
Appaloosas display gaits in many different places and in North America they were originally lumped into the same category and registered as Appaloosas. However, Appaloosa breeders shied away from breeding gaited animals and eventually the registry quit accepting them.
In 1983, the Walkaloosa Horse Association was formed to preserve animals with both gaits and spots. In order for an animal to qualify they have to have been born of a registered Walkaloosa, possess the leopard gene and natural gaits or be the result of an appaloosa and a gaited breed.
Average height 14 – 15.2 hands
Physical confirmation will vary based on bloodlines.
Traditional Colors
Riding horse
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Walkaloosa Horse Association