The term criollo has long been used in the Americas to describe something of Spanish lineage, from people to horses. The Criollo Uruguayo is a strain of Criollo that is bred specifically in Uruguay.
Originally brought by explorers from the Iberian peninsula, the animals that landed in the Americas were already tough enough to survive a boat journey across the Atlantic. Over the centuries, they have adapted to a variety of climates and geography and their bloodlines have been curated in many countries.
These hardy animals have become an important part of tradition and culture in much of Central and South America. In Uruguay they were used to help organize the country, grow food and transport goods or people. While natural selection was the main breeding program for centuries, imported genetics began to make their way into their lineage in the hopes of improving conformation. Unfortunately the trade off was a sacrifice of their inherit robust nature.
By the early 20th century ranchers attempted to revive the old Criollo type and began selecting pure specimens. In 1916 the government established a studbook and took control of breeding, using highly controlled tactics. At this point standards for this specific strain were created. Raised outside year round to encourage their natural toughness, the strain found in Uruguay is a magnificent example of the breed.
Average height 13.6-14.8 hands
Head is short with a wide forehead and a straight or convex profile
Ears are small
Eyes are expressive
Neck is medium and arched
Hindquarters are muscular
Belly is deep and full
Back is muscular
Legs are strong
Hooves should be black and dense
Traditional Colors
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Active and kind
Brave and dependable
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Sociedad de Criadores de Caballos Criollos
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