The Caballo de Monte de País Vasco or Basque Country Mountain Horse is named for the Autonomous Community where it is found in Basque Country, Spain.
The foundation for the breed are native animals that have been in the area for a very long time. While information about the Mountain Horse, it is likely related in some way to the hardy little Pottok, also found in the area. However, Pottoks are small and the Mountain Horse is bred mainly for meat, so there is obvious draft influence. Likely other types bred for meat in Spain or France, as they aim for a specific massive body shape and size which is rather distinct.
Like many breeds of this type, they are rustic and easy keepers. Grazing mountain fields during the summer and wintering in lower meadows.
Average height 15 hands
Head is well proportioned with a straight profile
Smaller in stature than most draft breeds, with massive, rustic body
Traditional Colors
Generally chestnut, bay and brown, with some black, roan and pinto
Calm and tractable
Land management
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Official Breeds Catalogue
Horse of Basque Country
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