Mongolia Category

Przewalski’s Horse

Przewalski's Horse


Also called Equus Przewalskii, Asiatic Wild horse, Mongolian Wild Horse & Taki, the Przewalski’s Horse is the only known surviving species of wild equine on the planet (since the extinction of the Tarpan). All other breeds of horse on the planet come from domesticated horse (yes, even the wild ones – at some point they were all reintroduced to the wild).
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Galshar Horse



The Galshar is a Mongolian breed which I could find very little about. The Galshar area is known for producing horses of great speed these animals have made them famous in their country for racing. Besides racing these animals are used for transportation milk and meat production.
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Astrakhan Horse

Astrakhan Horse


Also called Kalmykskaya & Kalmyk, the Astrakhan is a member of the Mongolian equine group, they are bred in the territory along the Volga & Ural rivers. Sadly, this breed is in danger of becoming extinct.
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