Also called Cavallo Appenninico, the Apennine horse is a strain of Frieberg breed, imported to Italy and bred. They can be found in the Apennine Mountains between the milia and Tuscany regions.
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A relatively newer breed, the Anglo European or AES is a sport type horse that comes from crossing specific breeds to produce an animal that performs well and has a sound temperament.
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The history of this breed dates back to the early 19th century when the first settlers arrived with horses and ponies to work the land. By the early 20th century, crossbreeding of the imported animals had created many solid pony types.
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The Tolfetano Horse comes from the mountainous town in Tolfa in the north of the Rome province. They are a strain of the original Maremmano breed, their genetics different due to an infusion of English Thoroughbred.
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Miniature horses (the man made kind anyway) come from the Renaissance in Europe. During that time royal stables took to breeding smaller and smaller animals, while retaining horse type characteristics. Over generations this was successful and a number of different miniature horse bloodless were created.
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The Shagya Arabian comes from Hungary and was established during the Turkish occupation of Hungary that lasted until the end of the 17th century.
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Also called Süddeutsches Kaltblut, the Saxon Turinga Coldblood comes from Turinga and Saxony. This is an incredibly rare animal and conservation efforts are underway.
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The San Fratello Horse, Cavallo Sanfratellano or Sanfratellani comes from San Fratello which sits at the foot of Nebrodi Mountains in eastern Sicily, Italy. They are the closet thing Sicily has to wild horses as a small herd roams Nebrodi Park.
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