The Marismeña Horse comes from the marshes in Doñana National Park and is likely related to the Retuertas.
Horses have been in the area for a long time and the Marismeña is a descendant of the primitive Iberian horse. Although the bloodlines have been diluted considerably over the years, largely from northern African breeds.
They are also part of a popular local tradition called the Saca de las Yeguas (take out the mares) every year, when mares are passed through the streets of Almonte. The herds live outside year round and are collected annually for basic management and health checks. Other than this maintenance, they are left to their own devices for food.
According to the DAD-IS this breed is endangered and as of 2023 there were 1076 of them left.
Average height 13.8-14.6 hands
Head is large with a a convex profile
Neck is short
Belly is rounded
Legs are thin
Traditional Colors
Most colors
Gentle but lively
Hard worker
Land management
Helpful Links
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National Association of Marismeña Breeders
Official Breeds Catalogue
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