The Caballo de las Retuertas or Retuertas Horse comes from the Doñana marsh, where freshwater lagoons that form in the summer. These lagoons are collectively known as retuertas and where this breed gets its name.
Theses are the descendants of horses which were used for draft work or as pack animals in Doñana, particularly in the marshes. Related in some way to the Marismeña Horse, except that the Retuertas has lived in relative isolation for long enough that their genetics have not had any outside influence. While there has been mention of feral horses in this area throughout the 20th century, it is likely they have been there for much longer.
In the 1970s, a herd was released in the protected Doñana National Park where they are managed by the state. There is also another small herd kept on a farm in Salamanca and these are essentially a ‘back up’ nucleus. Should the feral herd have any health issues, their genetics would not be lost.
According to the DAD-IS they are at risk and in 2023 there were 205 left.
Average height 13.8-14 hands
Head can have a variety of profiles
Generally have feral characteristics
Traditional Colors
Generally chestnut, grey, bay or brown
Feral animals
Land management
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