The Norik muránskeho typu or Noric of Murany and they are a strain of Noriker Horse bred in the Gemer of Slovakia.
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The Norik muránskeho typu or Noric of Murany and they are a strain of Noriker Horse bred in the Gemer of Slovakia.
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Also called Slovak or Slovensky Teplokrevnik, Slovakian Warmbloods are very similar to Czech Warmbloods. Like most sport breeds, they are bred and registered based on temperament, athletic ability and performance rather than specific bloodlines.
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Like most sport pony breeds, the Slovak Sport Pony is more of a type than a breed and similar to sports pony types found in many European countries.
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Also called the Hucul, Huculska, Hutsul, Huzul, Gutsul, Guculs and Guzuls, the Carpathian pony is a traditional Carpathian breed which is often referred to as the ancient one and comes from a region of eastern Carpathians that is now Romania.
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