Swedish Cold Blooded Trotter


The Kallblodstravare or Swedish Cold Blooded Trotter is a descendant of the Nordic Landrace Horse, today bred specifically for racing.


Theses bloodlines go back millennia and while they have changed over the centuries they might be the oldest trotting horse in the world. A breed that began life as a meat and milk producer, later used for agriculture, then war before moving into forestry. Their original Landrace lineage was probably the basis for trotting as a sport in Nordic countries, particularly useful once the sled was invented for travel over snowy ground. Today they are a fine sport breed with a long, distinguished history of service.

Closely related to Norwegian Trotters and since 2000 their studbooks have worked together. Breeding is taken very seriously and they even provide a public database of genetics to ensure the population is not spoiled by inbreeding.

Both the DAD-IS and The Swedish Board of Agriculture list the breed as endangered and in 2023 there were between 7000 and 8000 left. They are rarely found outside of Nordic countries.


Must be at least 14.6 (148cm), average height 15.2 hands


Head is small and square
Nostrils are large
Compact build compared to Standardbreds

Traditional Colors

Solid colors


Spirited and intelligent



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Swedish Trotting Sport
