Døle Gudbrandsdal

Døle Gudbrandsdal Horse

Image from HaXXa


Also known as Dølehest, Ostlandhester, Døle Trotter and Norwegian Trotter the Døle Gudbrandsdal is the most widespread breed in Norway today & one of the smallest cold blooded breeds.


Organized breeding of this lively animal began in the middle of the 19th century, but it’s though to have come from Dutch Friesian bloodlines and to date back to between 400 – 800 BC.

There are two different types of Døle horse, the heavy & the light draft (coldblooded trotter stock). Although the differences between the two types is becoming fuzzy as interbreeding has created more uniformity. The two types are still judged in separate classes, but they all belong to the same studbook.

In the early 20th century trotting races gained popularity in Norway and is still a thriving sport. Traditionally about 50% of the horses racing are hotblooded trotters (Standardbreds, etc.) and 50% are coldblooded trotters like the Døle.

By 1967 the National Dølehorse Association was established in the hopes of preserving & promoting the heavier, draft type of the breed. Breeding of the Døle is taken seriously and led by the government in conjunction with the various breed associations.


Average height 14.1 – 16 hands
Agile & active with great stamina


Head is small but heavy & square with a straight profile
Ears are long & eyes are small
Neck is short in length and well muscled
Back is long & straight
Legs are short & sturdy (heavy type displays feathering)
Hooves are broad & hard

Traditional Colors

chestnut | grey | bay | black | dun


Intelligent and a fast learner


Draft & agricultural work
Harness racing
Pleasure horse


Do you have images or know more about the Døle Gudbrandsdal breed? I’d love help completing this page, please contact me to get involved.