The Kallblodstravare or Swedish Cold Blooded Trotter is a descendant of the Nordic Landrace Horse, today bred specifically for racing.
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The Kallblodstravare or Swedish Cold Blooded Trotter is a descendant of the Nordic Landrace Horse, today bred specifically for racing.
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Horse breeding in Sweden has been a long and rocky road. Their position so far north makes much of the country an impossible place to nurture the equine animal. The the remaining southern portion took a long while to catch on to selective breeding practices.
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The Swedish development of the Ardennes breed is a rather recent one, spurred by an agricultural boom in the late 19th century that local animals were ill-equipped to handle.
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The Nordsvensk Brukshäst or North Swedish Horse is a relatively new breed officially, it’s bloodlines only being just over 100 years old. They come from similar genetics as Dole horses both of them descendants of the ancient Scandinavian horse.
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Also called the Skogsruss and the Russ, the Gotland Pony is an ancient breed that is native to the Gotland island of Sweden. In fact, prior to the 1950’s Baltic and Gotlands were the only ponies bred in Sweden.
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The Ardennes type draft horse is one of the basic foundations of all heavy draft breeds that exist today and they are a true cold-blooded breed.
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