Sztumski Coldblood Horse


The Sztumski Coldblood is one of a handful of draft types bred in Poland, this strain is named for the Sztum locality in the northeast where it is bred.


Breeding of this type began in the first half of the 19th century, crossing local mares with Ardennes, Belgian and Breton stallions. In 1964 a studbook was established to track and promote breeding. However like many of the draft breeds, their numbers declined during the late 20th century.

In 1964 a centralized studbook was established and all of the different draft types found in the nation were consolidated. From what we can tell, the Sztumski is a type under the Polish Coldblood registry. The Sztumski type is the largest, heaviest draft bred in Poland. This is due to the poor soil quality in the area, making it difficult to cultivate and giving rise to the need for more robust animals to work it.


Average height 15.6-16 hands


Head is heavy with a straight profile
Neck is thick and arched
Body is massive
Back is short
Hindquarters are muscular
Legs are short and strong

Traditional Colors

Solid colors


Calm and dependable


Meat production

Helpful Links

*All links open in a new window
Polish Genetic Biodiversity Programs
Genetic Differentiation of the Two Types of Polish Cold-blooded Horses Included in the National Conservation Program
