As the name suggests, the Anglo-Arabo-Sardo or Sardinian Anglo-Arab comes from the island of Sardinia in Italy.
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As the name suggests, the Anglo-Arabo-Sardo or Sardinian Anglo-Arab comes from the island of Sardinia in Italy.
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The Ventasso Horse comes from the Ventasso Mountain in the province of Reggio Emilia in Italy. Known for their sturdy build and great heart the Italian army has long used them as mounts. The Ventasso’s of today possess English, Maremmanos and Lipizzan blood. These animals are incredibly rare.
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The Tolfetano Horse comes from the mountainous town in Tolfa in the north of the Rome province. Although it is known that their bloodlines are ancient their exact origins are a mystery, however they are thought to possess Berber blood. Over the years a hostile climate and lack of resources (not to mention hard work for the local people) have shaped this into an incredibly hardy horse.
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The Sardinian pony comes from the island of Sardinia in Italy where there have been horses for century so their origins are essentially unknown.
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The San Fratello Horse or Sanfratellani comes from San Fratello which sits at the foot of Nebrodi Mountains in eastern Sicily, Italy. They are the closet thing Sicily has to wild horses as a small herd roams Nebrodi Park.
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The Samolaco horse comes from Valtellina in Italy and they are thought to come from Spanish animals abandoned during the 17th century.
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Also called the Persano and Salernitano the Salerno horse comes from the Campania region of Italy in the 18th century. These animals were based on the Neapolitan horse (also a foundation for the Lipizzaner).
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The Pentro breed comes from Italy and has been in the southern Italian wetlands for the last millennia. Today the breed lives in a feral state and are dangerously close to extinction.
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The Neapolitan horse came from Naples, Italy during the 15th – 18th centuries and is now an extinct breed.
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Also called the Murge Horse, the Murgese is bred in the Murge region of Italy & origins of the breed date back to Spanish rule.
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