Also called Freiberger and Jura, the Freiberg horse is a light to middle sized warmblood that was developed in Switzerland around the end of the 19th century.
The breed began when local Jura mares were crossed with English Thoroughbred, Anglo-Norman, Breton, Belgian Draft and Arabian animals. The result was among the first light draft breeds developed in western Europe. The bloodlines were systematically crossbred until 1910, when selection narrowed to purebred animals only.
The Freiberg was instrumental to the Swiss during both of the World Wars and continued to serve the locals as transport animals and farm aids in steeply sloped areas. This underlying usefulness encouraged breeders to maintain strict quality control over bloodlines and to consistently breed to type. Over the years two different types of Freiberg emerged, a heavier, more muscular type for pulling carts or agriculture and a smaller, lighter type for riding.
Since the advent of the mechanized age, need for light draft animals has declined considerably so breeders have focused their efforts on perfecting the smaller, riding type of the breed. The old examples below show the different types fairly clearly and how different some of the strains were, from concave to convex profiles.
Average height 14.3 – 15.3 Hands
Head is noble and intelligent
Neck is well muscled and well placed
Chest is deep
Legs have good bone and well proportioned joints
Feet are well shaped and strong
Traditional Colors
Chestnut, black, bay, brown and pinto
Honest and uncomplicated
Likes to learn
Surefooted and calm
Eventing horse
Pleasure mount
Therapy animal
Helpful Links
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Swiss Freiberger Association, SFV
House of Switzerland
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