Perhaps the rarest breed in a nation full of them, the Napoletano Horse comes from the Campania region in Italy. Named for Naples, these animals can be found throughout European literature after the 16th century.
Known for breeding fine horses, the region was famed for supplying nobles and cavalry with horses. It is likely the original animals were much more robust and scruffier than the sleek Napoletano became famed to be. Strength was needed to pull supplies and carry armed soldiers. Later, as warfare modernized, the need arose for lighter, more agile animals.
As the Spanish and Portuguese cornered the market in Baroque profiles, Neapolitan breeders did the same on a smaller scale. Sharing bloodlines with Andalusian breeders, both of which would encourage Barb characteristics.
Today’s Napoletano is a modern attempt to reconstruct a breed that went extinct. The foundation is now black Lipp stallions and the Maremmano horse, to which they are close genetically. The DAD-IS lists them as critical and as of 2023 there were 30 animals.
Average height 15-15.4 hands
Head was dry with a straight or convex profile
Neck is powerful, crested and high set
Body was deep and brood
Back was short
Hindquarters were round and wide
Traditional Colors
Mostly black, but can also be brown, bay or grey
Curious and intelligent
Calm and generous
Farm work