Also called Croatian Hladnokrvnjak, Hrvatski Hladnokrvnjak and Croatian Coldblood, the Hladnokrvnjak comes from the northwest and fairly common in Croatia.
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Also called Croatian Hladnokrvnjak, Hrvatski Hladnokrvnjak and Croatian Coldblood, the Hladnokrvnjak comes from the northwest and fairly common in Croatia.
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Also called Slovak or Slovensky Teplokrevnik, Slovakian Warmbloods are very similar to Czech Warmbloods. Like most sport breeds, they are bred and registered based on temperament, athletic ability and performance rather than specific bloodlines.
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The Pindos or Thessalonian Pony is a mountainous Pony breed that comes from mountainous regions of Thessaly and Epirus in Greece.
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Also called the Murge Horse, the Murgese is bred in the Murge region of Italy and origins of the breed date back to Spanish rule.
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Also called Karachay, Karakachan Pony, Karatschai pony, Karatschaever, Karatschaewsker and Karachaier, the Karachai comes from the breeds of the northern Caucasus and was developed at the start of the last millennium.
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Also called Coldblooded Trotter Coldblooded Traveling Rail, Norwegian Heavy Trotter and Norsk Kaldblodstraver, the Kaldblodstraver is a hardy coldblooded animal that is popular for racing in Norway.
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Also called Islenski Hesturinn, Icelandic horses have a long, well documented breeding history in part due to their isolated and remote location. Known for their hardy, athletic build and happy nature, these horses exhibit 5 different gaits and possess one of the purest bloodlines in the world.
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Also called the Darashouli, the Darashouri is Native to the state of Fars in southern Iran and its origins are unknown. This breed is names for the Dareshuri tribe, of which tribal chiefs breed them.
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These ponies come from the Cheju island off the coast of South Korea. From the years 935 – 1910 this province was used as a place of political exile as well as a place for grazing horses.
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