Also called the Murge Horse, the Murgese is bred in the Murge region of Italy and origins of the breed date back to Spanish rule.
Animals of African and Asian origin were the foundation for the breed (with some Lipizzan in there) and its characteristics were shaped by the agricultural needs of local people. There has been very little cross breeding which makes their bloodlines extremely pure.
Traditionally the Murgese is raised outside year round and left to their own devices for food and resources. They have boomed in popularity towards the end of the 20th century and although they are rare, there are breeding programs in place.
Average height 15 – 16 hands.
Head is well proportioned with a straight or slightly convex profile
Ears are small
Neck is muscular and arched
Chest is broad and deep
Shoulder is well sloped
Back is short
Legs are strong
Feet are black and strong
Traditional Colors
Well mannered and obedient
Riding horse
Carriage horse
Equestrian sport
Show horse
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