Also called Coldblooded Trotter Coldblooded Traveling Rail, Norwegian Heavy Trotter and Norsk Kaldblodstraver, the Kaldblodstraver is a hardy coldblooded animal that is popular for racing in Norway.
This breed is based on Døle bloodlines, which were refined with lighter breeds to create a faster, smoother running horse. It should be noted, that there are very few if any other coldblooded trotters. They differ physically as they are smaller and more powerfully built which makes them slower than most trotters, but more suited to Norwegian conditions. Due to this, they are generally only raced in nearby Scandinavian countries.
These animals were widespread in Norway until the 2nd World War. After that and the motorization of agriculture their numbers decreased by 75% in 50 years. Today their numbers are dreadfully low.
Average height 13.3 – 16.2 hands
Head has a straight profile and well set
Neck is short and high set
Back is short
Legs are long and strong
Hooves are solid
Traditional Colors
Solid colors, generally bay, brown or chestnut
Well mannered and willing
Riding horse
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