While horse racing has been a popular sport in the country for centuries, the Thoroughbred is a relatively new breed for Turkey. It is one of two breeds with a central studbook managed by the government.
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While horse racing has been a popular sport in the country for centuries, the Thoroughbred is a relatively new breed for Turkey. It is one of two breeds with a central studbook managed by the government.
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Many of the breeds found in Turkey have some level of Arabian influence. While the Turkish Arabian has some Anatolian Native blood, they tend to be taller than either of the breeds and are often used for racing.
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The Karacabey Nonius Horse is a breed that originated in the Marmara region of Turkey and they were declared extinct in 1970.
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A relatively new breed, the Gemlik Horse was developed as a jumping horse at the Gemlik Military Veterinary School and Education Center in Turkey.
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Also called Kurdi, the Dogu Anadolu or East Anatolian is only found in the mountainous parts of eastern Turkey. Called the Kurdi for their association with Kurdish people of eastern Turkey, Iraq and Syria.
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Not a necessarily a breed in their own right, the Turkish Colored or Alaca Horse refers to pinto animals found in the country (there are quite a lot). Spotted animals are likely to mostly come from similar genetics and were likely imported to the area.
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Cirit or jeered is an ancient Turkish game played on horseback. The name translates to javelin, which were used to play the original game. Today it is played with sticks and the horses used to play this game are called Cirit Horses.
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The Uzunyayla Horse comes from Turkey and was developed in the mid 19th century. It is believed that their ancestors came from Caucasus which means they are probably related to the Kabarda and they were bred pure in Turkey until the start of the 20th century when Anadolu and Nonius blood was added.
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The West Black Sea Rahvan Horse (or Rahvan for short) comes from Turkey and has been bred there for at least 800 years. Rahvan is the Turkish word used to describe their quick, lateral walking gait.
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