The Monterufoli Pony comes from the Province of Pisa in Tuscany, Italy and is thought to come from the now extinct Selvina horse which used to live wild in the area.
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The Monterufoli Pony comes from the Province of Pisa in Tuscany, Italy and is thought to come from the now extinct Selvina horse which used to live wild in the area.
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Also called the Tunisian, the Mogod Pony comes from the northernmost area of Tunisia and is thought to be a strain of the mighty Barb horse, refined and bred to suit the area over centuries. Sadly as machines began to replace animals in the 20th century their numbers began to dwindle.
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The Cavall Menorquí or Menorquin Horse is a relatively new breed (officially anyway) as it was wasn’t recognized until 1989. Despite its recent recognition, the people of Menorca have been calling these handsome animals Menorquin horses for centuries.
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Also called Maremmana, the Maremmano breed is indigenous to Italy and was bred during ancient times in the marshy areas between Pisa and Caserta.
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The Mangalarga Pulista is a breed that was developed from the Mangalarga Marchador breed in Brazil, so their history is virtually the same.
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Also called the Little Poland Horse, the Malopolski is an Anglo-Arabian that is bred in the southwestern regions of Poland.
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Also called the Ardahan, the Malakin is the only heavy breed of horse native to Turkey.
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Also called the Northland Pony, Nordland Pony, Nordlandshest and Lyngshest, the origins of the Lyngen Horse are a mystery.
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