Tennessee Walking Horse

Tennessee Walking Horse

Image from Just chaos


Known for their distinctive gait, the Tennessee Walking horse plays an important part in the history of American gaited horses. Their bloodlines were influenced by the plantation economy and needs in the southern part of the U.S. during the early to mid 20th century.

Ghost Pusher in 2005


Recognized as a an official breed in 1947, the Tennessee Walker is a newer North American breed.

Mid 19th century settlers in the states of Kentucky, Tennessee and Missouri needed horses to compliment their southern plantation lifestyle. They required endurance and the ability to withstand long hours under saddle from their mounts.

The bloodlines of the Tennessee Walker contain Narragensett Pacer, Thoroughbred, Standardbred, Morgan and Saddlebred blood.

The Tennessee Walker of today is larger in structure than its cousin the Saddlebred, and predominately used as for show and pleasure.


Average height 15-16 hands
Smooth, flowing gait
Free flowing movement
When in action, head bobs with body movement


Large, plain head
Clean, hard legs
Hooves grown long and shod with weighted shoes to encourage movement
Powerful hind legs

Traditional Colors

black | chestnut | pinto


Kind and understanding

Tennessee Walking Horse

Image from Just chaos


Pleasure / trail horse
Show horse

Tennessee Walking Horse Products

Helpful Links

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Tennessee Walking Horse Breeder’s and Exhibitors’ Association

Where to Buy

Walkers West

Tennessee Walking Horse Studs

Carter Performance Horses


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