The first documented American breed, Morgan horses owe their lineage to the original stud, Justin Morgan. The Morgan blood has been a contributor to other North American breeds like Saddlebreds, Standardbreds and Tennessee Walking horses.
While we know it originated from Justin Morgan, the ancestry of Morgan horses beyond that is a mystery. Although it is speculated that there is Thoroughbred blood while others claim his sire was a Fresian Stallion. A third theory speculates that he is a blend of Welsh Cob, Thoroughbred and Arabian.
A small, thick dark bay, Justin Morgan was two years old in 1793 in West Springfield, Massachusetts. His original owner Robert Evans found that this tough little horse could run faster and pull more than any of the local horses. By 1891 this hardy, adaptable little horse had made a name for himself and a studbook was created for his offspring.
Average height 14.1-15.2 hands
Strong and eager to please
Made to work and run
Straight, free action
Head has broad forehead with straight or slightly concave profile
Eyes are large and prominent
Ears are short an shapely
Neck is arched and well set
Shoulder is angled
Withers are well defined
Back is short
Tail is high set and thick
Legs are straight and sound
Hooves are dense
Traditional colors
All coat and eye colors can be registered.
Strong and true
Brave and eager to please
Show horse
Harness racing
Pleasure / trail riding
Helpful Links
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American Morgan Horse Association
Foundation Morgan Horse
National Museum of the Morgan Horse
British Morgan Horse Society
Where to Buy
Colorful Morgans
Mic Mac Morgans
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