Also called Friese paard, Friesians are noted for their flashy appearance and movement. However they are also tough and willing which makes them as ideal for plowing a field as they are in the showring.
One of the only surviving indigenous breeds of the Netherlands, the Friesian horse was used as military mounts as far back as the 13th century. Thought to be the foundation for the “Old English Black” which is an ancestor to both the Shire horse and the Fell Pony.
Many breeds with such a long lineage have changed over the centuries, but it is thought that the Frisian characteristics are much the same as their ancestors. Through careful breeding practices have created a type is unmistakable and easy to recognize visually.
During the 18th and 19th centuries this animal was restricted to the provinces of Friesland where they were bred mainly as trotters. An official studbook was established in 1879 and their blood has contributed to Russian Orlovs and American trotting horses.
Today FPS is the oldest and second largest studbook in the country and after a critical period in the mid 20th century, when numbers dipped down to 1000. Luckily, their numbers began to grow again in the 1990s and today they can be found worldwide. As of 2023, the DID-IS lists their numbers between 41157 and 53644.
Average height 15.7-15.9 hands
Smooth, elegant gaits
Proud in appearance
Full mane and tail
Head is noble and carried high on an arched neck
Eyes are bright and intelligent
Back is strong
Shoulder is powerful and slanting
Legs are lean, muscular and feathered
feet are well-developed
Traditional Colors
Honest and willing to work
Intelligent and quick to learn
Driving horse
General riding horse
Show horse
Performance animal
Agriculture work
Helpful Links
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‘Het Friesch Paarden Stamboek’, Koninklijke Vereniging
Friesian Horse Association of North America
Friesian Horse Society
Friesian Horse Association of Great Britain & Iraeland
Australian Friesian Horse Society
Where to Buy
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