The Caballo de Monte de País Vasco or Basque Country Mountain Horse is named for the Autonomous Community where it is found in Basque Country, Spain.
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The Caballo de Monte de País Vasco or Basque Country Mountain Horse is named for the Autonomous Community where it is found in Basque Country, Spain.
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The Caballo de Deporte Español or Spanish Sport Horse is like most European sport breeds, registered based on sound temperament, athletic ability and performance rather than breed bloodlines.
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Like most sport horse breeds, the South African Sporting Horse is bred specifically for modern competitive equestrian sports. South Africa in particular has a variety of rangy and athletic breeds to contribute bloodlines.
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Many of the working breeds of horse found in South Africa are imported to the area. Whether it was the 17th century or the 21st. It is unclear at what point American Quarter Horses were imported, but likely in the 20th century to work cattle.
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There were a variety of breeds developed in the Cape Province of South Africa and many modern breeds were in some way influenced by the now-extinct Hantam, Boer or Cape Horse.
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The Cape Region of South Africa produced many different types of horse, most based on initial European imports. While many of those breeds were heavy saddle types and cavalry mounts, some were bred to be used in harness.
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The Slovenski Toplokrvni Konj or Slovenian Warmblood Horse is a relatively recent breed, producing animals that are big and versatile specifically for equestrian sports.
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The Slovenski Hladnokrvni Konj or Slovenian Coldblooded Horse comes from the Gorenjska region from a foundation of local coldblooded animals.
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The Norik muránskeho typu or Noric of Murany and they are a strain of Noriker Horse bred in the Gemer of Slovakia.
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