Like Paint Horses, Paint Ponies are a color breed and registered based on possessing a pinto white pattern as well as being of stock pony type.
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Like Paint Horses, Paint Ponies are a color breed and registered based on possessing a pinto white pattern as well as being of stock pony type.
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The Missouri Fox Trotter is a relatively new breed and one that was organized by a group of enthusiasts who wanted to preserve the unique characteristics of animals selectively bred in the Ozarks.
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The Marwari Horse comes from India and is perhaps best known for their ears which point inwardly often until they touch or overlap. This is generally a sign of pure blood.
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Also known as Irish Cob and Gypsy Vanner, Tinker Horse and Vanners come from the mighty Shire, bulky Clydesdale, flashy Friesian and surefooted Dales Pony. Through the years these animals have been selectively bred for size, docile temperament and colors vibrant enough to match the gypsy caravans they pulled.
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Also called Kuda-Gayo. Gaju and Gayo, the Gayoe is a pony that comes from the island of Sumatra and are named for the Gayoe hills on the island. This pony is closely related to the Batak, Deli, Bali, Java, Sumba & Timor ponies. Perhaps the most closely related to the Batak, the Gayoe is known as a stockier branch of lesser quality.
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Also called Freiberger and Jura, the Freiberg horse is a light to middle sized warmblood that was developed in Switzerland around the end of the 19th century.
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The Eriskay pony is one of the last pure pony strains that survives on the Hebrides Isles in Scotland and they are a very rare breed today.
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Also called the Dongolah and Dongolawi, the Dongala is believed to have come from the Dongala Providence in Sudan and thought to be a degenerate strain of Barb with Arabian influence. They are similar in looks and bloodlines to other breeds of West Africa who almost all fall collectively under the West African Barb category.
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