Sumba Pony

Sumba Pony

Image from nathanandharmony


The Sumba pony shares close ties to the Sumbawa Pony but they originate from the Indonesian island of Sumba. Often they are referred to as the same breed because of the close proximity of the islands and the amount of cross breeding between them. They are common & well known for their use in native dance and lance-throwing competitions.

This is an ancient & primitive pony breed that has long been known on the island, the locals use them for a variety of means in addition to their competition needs.


Average height 12 hands


Head is heavy with a straight profile
Eyes are almond shaped
Neck is short & broad
Back is long and tends to dip slightly
Shoulder is straight
Legs are slender & strong
Feet are small & hard

Traditional Colors

Generally dun but can be found in most solid colors


Hard working & willing
Docile & obedient

Sumba Pony

Image from feona


Riding pony
Dance competitions
Pack animal
Light draft
Equestrian sport

Do you have images or know more about the Sumba Pony breed? I’d love help completing this page, please contact me to get involved.