Also called Soembawa, the Sumbawa Pony is a close kin to Sumba Ponies, but they tend to be smaller and originate on the Indonesian island of Sumbawa. Often they are referred to as the same breed because of the close proximity of the islands and the amount of cross breeding between them.
The horses found in Indonesia are descendants of Chinese and Mongolian animals brought starting from the 7th century. Over time each island developed their own type and today they are different enough to be recognized as official breeds. As there are no centralized breeding studbooks, breeding is left to the people so breed standards are loosely defined and conformation varies. The Sumbawa had an infusion of Arabian blood which gives many of them more refinement than some found on other islands.
Average height 11 hands
Head is heavy with a straight profile
Eyes are almond shaped
Neck is short and broad
Back is long and tends to dip slightly
Shoulder is straight
Legs are slender and strong
Feet are small and hard
Traditional Colors
Generally dun but can be found in most solid colors.
Active and willing
Docile and obedient
Riding pony
Light draft
Cart horse