The Puruca comes from three Shetland stallions that arrived on the island of Marajó in Brazil at the end of the 19th century. They were crossed with Marajoara mares and then forged by the environment of their adopted island.
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Also called Wild Horses of Roraima, the Lavradeiro comes from Roraima in the north of Brazil, near the Venezuelan border. They are the descendants of Spanish Colonial Horses.
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Also called Poconeao and Mimoseano, the Pantaneiro comes from northern Mato Grasso the Panatanal region of Brazil. This is an incredibly hardy breed from a swampy area, they have developed resistance to disease that would destroy many other breeds.
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The Pampa Horse originally comes from the animals brought to the Americas early in the 16th century that later went on to run feral.
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Also called the Nordestino, Crioulo Brasileiro, Curraleiro and the Sartanejo, the Northeastern Pony is a descendant of the desert horse of North Africa.
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Also called Baixo Amazona and Majaro Island Horse, the Marajoara Horse is one well adapted to its environment.
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The Mangalarga Pulista is a breed that was developed from the Mangalarga Marchador breed in Brazil, so their history is virtually the same.
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The Mangalarga Marchador is the most popular and widely found horse in Brazil where they were developed in 1740 by Joao Francisco of Portugal.
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The Crioulo is a variety of the Latin American creole breed and like their cousins throughout the area are a cross between African and European breeds.
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