Shetland Pony


The Shetland is the smallest of the pony breeds and comes from Shetland Islands of Scotland. They are known affectionately as “Scotland’s Little Giant” by the people of the islands.


Thought to have come from the same ancestor as Icelandic Ponies as well as other breeds found in Scandinavia, Ireland and Wales. They are thought to have come to the Shetland Islands around 8,000 BC, making them among the oldest of known equine breeds. Harsh weather, climactic conditions and natural selection over thousands of years have shaped this tough little pony into one well suited for their native land. They are incredibly strong for their size and able to carry great weight over long distances.

Although they lived on the islands for many years, their heyday where mankind was concerned didn’t begin until the 18th century when their demand grew. By the middle of the 19th century, Parliament passed laws the prohibited children from working in coal mines, which had a huge impact on the Shetland breed. They were small enough to haul coal carts along mine shafts so their demand grew enormously, as did their price tag.

By the late 19th century mine owners took an interest in breeding Shetland ponies and developed their own stud farm as well as a studbook which was published in 1891. This continued until the second World War when numbers took a sharp decline and breeding become lazy. Because of this the Scottish Department of Agriculture stepped in and created some rules.

Today the Shetland Pony is enjoyed everywhere and there are strains found in many countries, including the American Shetland. Which has a different studbook, as different breeding practices have modified original bloodlines.


Maximum height 10.2 hands


Head is small and well proportioned
Ears are small and erect
Eyes are dark and intelligent
Neck is well set
Shoulder is sloped
Legs are short and solid
Feet are round, shapely and tough

Traditional Colors

All solid colors


Kind and gentle


Cart pony
Children’s mount
Mining pony

Helpful Links

*All links open in a new window
Shetland Pony Stud Book Society
American Shetland Pony Club
New Zealand Shetland Pony Breeders Society
