Pampa Horse


The Pampa Horse originally comes from the animals brought to the Americas early in the 16th century that later went on to run feral.


Over time many of the indigenous tribes developed their own types of horse, many of them colorful pinto varieties. It is unknown when these animals were introduced to Brazil but they were animals of Portuguese and Dutch origin. Over time they developed characteristics that made it easier for them to deal with local climate and conditions. This breed is very similar to the American Paint Horse, except that they register based on a specific type and not just coat color genetics.


Average height 13.3 – 14.2 hands


Head is medium in size with a straight or slightly convex profile
Eyes are large and expressive
Neck is well proportioned and muscular
Chest is wide, deep and muscular
Back is medium in length and well proportioned
Legs are long and muscular
Hooves are hard and tough

Traditional Colors

Must carry a pinto white patterns


Mild mannered and willing


Riding horse
Equestrian sport
Cow horse

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Associação de Cavalo Pampa

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Pampa Horse