Pantaneiro Horse


Also called Poconeao and Mimoseano, the Pantaneiro comes from northern Mato Grasso the Panatanal region of Brazil. This is an incredibly hardy breed from a swampy area, they have developed resistance to disease that would destroy many other breeds.

Pantaneiro horses have been in Brazil for about 3 centuries and a product of natural selection, as they have had very little human interference until recently. This breed is among those that seems to be resistant to Equine Infectious Anaemia. They can be infected, but rarely present symptoms.

Traditional Colors

black | grey | bay


Calm and intelligent
Hardy and willing


Cattle horse
Riding horse
Equestrian games

Useful Links

Pantaneiro Horse Breeders Association, (ABCCP)

More Images

Pantaneiro Horse
Pantaneiro Horse
Pantaneiro Horse
