Also called the Ardahan, the Malakin is the only heavy breed of horse native to Turkey.
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Also called the Ardahan, the Malakin is the only heavy breed of horse native to Turkey.
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Also called Lietuvos Sunkieji, the Lithuanian Heavy Draft comes from Lithuania and is one of the more handsome of the draft breeds.
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The Lippitt Morgan breed began in 1910 when a wealthy gentleman named Fullerton Phillips traveled to Vermont with the intention of raising Morgan horses. In his search for breeding stock, most of what he found were heavily crossed with trotters and didn’t reflect the majestic quality he so admired within the breed.
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Also called the Leutstettener, the Leutstetten breed comes from Hungary. Breeding began early in the 19th century in an attempt to improve the local native animals. Breeding was taken seriously and very systematic with accurate stud books that date back to 1816.
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Also called Kladruber, Kladrubsky and Starokladrubsky Kun, the Kladruby Horse is the only indigenous breed of the Czech Republic. They are descendants of old Spanish and Italian blood of the 16th and 17th centuries and share common ancestors with the Lipizzan breed.
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Also called Kisber Felver, the Kisber Halfbred was developed at the Kisber Stud Farm (est. 1853) in Hungary. The goal was to replace the often high strung English Thoroughbred with an animal that was more versatile to upgrade local stock.
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The Kiger mustang doesn’t come from North America originally, but it’s history begins in the Pacific Northwest of the United States in a remote area of Oregon.
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Also called Karachay, Karakachan Pony, Karatschai pony, Karatschaever, Karatschaewsker and Karachaier, the Karachai comes from the breeds of the northern Caucasus and was developed at the start of the last millennium.
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The Karacabey, Karacabey Yarimkan Arap or Karacabey Half-Bred Arabian is a breed that originated in the Marmara region of Turkey and they were declared extinct in 1979.
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Also called the Karabairskaya, the Karabair breed is one of the most ancient breeds originating in central Asia. They were developed in what is now known as Uzbekistan and northern Tajikistan, which are both areas known for breeding high quality horseflesh.
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