Also called Geogalidiko and Georgaludiko, the Peneia Pony (sometimes spelled Pinia, Pineia or Panela) is a very rare breed that comes from the Peloponnese in the south of Greece. Their name loosely translates to ‘Peninsula Pony’.
This breed is likely related to the Pindos and later crossed with the blood of Anglo-Arabians, Anglo-Norman and Nonius animals. Their studbook was established in 1994. Today according to the DAD-IS they are considered at risk and an as of 2021 there were 85 left.
Average height 13.4 – 14 hands
Head is well proportioned with a convex profile
Neck is well set
Chest is wide
Back is short
Legs are long
Hooves are small and tough
Traditional Colors
chestnut | grey | bay | black | brown
Hardy and kind
Draft animal
Sport horse
Breeding hinnies
Pack animal