An Anglo-Arabian is a Thoroughbred/ Arabian cross and either parent can be a member of either breed (or another cross). However, the remaining offspring must have no more than 75% and no less than 25% Arabian blood.
It is believed that breeders in Normandy created the Anglo-Arabian as early as 1750, although they weren’t closely documented. The foundation was local mares bred to Arabian stallions. By late in the 18th century the success of these breeding programs was apparent, although the breed remained small and largely undocumented.
Official Start
The breed studbook was officially established through an ordinance by Louis Phillipe in 1833, under the care of the French National Stud Service. The breed grew in popularity and by the end of the 19th century, their flashy looks and extreme athleticism made them popular in a variety of disciplines. They also laid the foundation for the much-loved Selle Français breed and later contributed to many of the German warmblood breeds.
Scientific Start
It wasn’t until early in the 19th century that serious scientific breeding of the Anglo-Arabian began in earnest. Mr. de Bonneval began by breeding an Arabian stallion to two Thoroughbred mares. De Bonneval also bred in the opposite direction, using Thoroughbred stallions and Arabian mares, but interestingly found the result was not as impressive.
The finest examples of this breed combine the endurance and refinement of the Arabian with speed and stature of the Thoroughbred. Ideally, the breed displays more of an Arabian type conformation, though they should show the finer qualities of each.
Average height 15.2 – 16.3 hands
Size and conformation varies because of the many crosses
Often taller and less refined than the average Arabian
Strong and correct action
Springy jumper
Chiseled and refined head, not overly dished in the profile
Long slightly arched neck
Short, strong body with a deep barrel
Legs are long and strong
Traditional Colors
Solid colors
Intelligent and high energy
Built for speed and endurance, a great competition horse
Tough and always willing to go
Show horse
Eventing animal
Riding horse
Improving other breeds
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National Association of Anglo-Arabe (ANAA)
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