The Novokirghiz is a fairly recent breed that was developed during the 1930’s in Kirghizia and comes from the Old Kirghiz breed. Crosses with Thoroughbred blood have created a lighter & more refined animal in the Novokirghiz.
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The Novokirghiz is a fairly recent breed that was developed during the 1930’s in Kirghizia and comes from the Old Kirghiz breed. Crosses with Thoroughbred blood have created a lighter & more refined animal in the Novokirghiz.
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Also called Fjord Horse, Norwegian Dun, Norwegian Pony, West Norway, West Norwegian, Westland, Northern Dun and Fjordhest, the Norwegian Fjord is an ancient breed and one that retains many of it’s original characteristics.
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A member of the Ardennes family, the Northern Ardennais, Ardennais du Nord or Trait du nord was crossed with Belgian Draft for a more robust size and Boulonnais for elegance and a brighter step.
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Also called the Nordestino, Crioulo Brasileiro, Curraleiro and the Sartanejo, the Northeastern Pony is a descendant of the desert horse of North Africa.
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The Nordsvensk Brukshäst or North Swedish Horse is a relatively new breed officially, it’s bloodlines only being just over 100 years old. They come from similar genetics as Dole horses both of them descendants of the ancient Scandinavian horse.
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The Noriker or Noric horse has been bred in the Alpine region and foothills of Austria for the last 2000 years. Kept in natural mountain conditions at 6000 ft, the animals are raised outside year round and seldom given extra feed. This has created an extremely hardy animal
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The Norfolk Roadster or Trotter was perhaps one of the most influential of all trotting breeds and is the foundation for most modern trotting breeds of today.
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The Nooitgedacht is one of the only breeds that are actually native to South Africa and they are notable as the only true descendants of Basuto Ponies. Today they are an incredibly rare breed.
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The Nonius comes from Hungary and this breed can all trace their lineage back to one flagship stud, an Anglo-Norman stallion by the name of Nonius Senior.
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The Noma Horse comes fro Noma County in the Aichi Prefecture of Japan, they are the smallest pony native to the Japanese Islands.
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