The Nokota Horse is the surviving population of wild horses in North Dakota where they have run wild (despite the enormous odds against them) for at least a century.
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The Nokota Horse is the surviving population of wild horses in North Dakota where they have run wild (despite the enormous odds against them) for at least a century.
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We could find very little about the Nogai Horse except that is is one of the steppe breeds found in the north of Dagestan. They don’t appear to be listed in the DAD-IS, however they are likely a strain of Dagestan Pony.
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Although spotted horses have been documented in Europe and Asia for centuries, North American spotted horses were developed by the Nez Perce Indians in mid-18th century Oregon, Idaho and parts of Washington.
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The Newfoundland Pony is a sturdy little horse that was developed on Newfoundland Island in the easternmost province of Canada.
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Also called Novokirgizskaya and Novokirghiz, the New Kirgiz Horse was developed using the old Kirgiz breed and was developed around 1930 in Kyrgyzstan.
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Wild ponies have been roaming the New Forest on the coast of southwest Hampshire in England for as long as anyone can remember and this is an ancient northern pony breed.
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It is thought that appaloosa animals have been on the European continent since the Mongolian hoards brought them. The brilliant spotting patterns seemed to have evolved a bit differently in different parts of the world.
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The Neapolitan horse came from Naples, Italy during the 15th – 18th centuries and is now an extinct breed. Although there has been a attempt to re-create the breed in the modern Napoletano Horse.
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Also called the Navarran, Navarrais and Navarre, the Jaca Navarra comes from Navarre which is in the western Pyrenees of northern Spain.
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The National Show Horse was the brainchild of Gene LaCroix who combined the hardiness and refinement of Arabians with the flashy action and electric attitude of American Saddlebreds.
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