The San Fratello Horse, Cavallo Sanfratellano or Sanfratellani comes from San Fratello which sits at the foot of Nebrodi Mountains in eastern Sicily, Italy. They are the closet thing Sicily has to wild horses as a small herd roams Nebrodi Park.
These animals are thought to be a cross between Thoroughbred and Asian bloodlines, sharing similar genetics with the Giara, Murgese, Sicilian and the Camargue as well as Andalusian.
An informal studbook has been kept since 1990, when the Italian Government showed an interest in preserving the bloodlines. The Sanfratellano horse is bred on the northern slopes of the Nebrodi’s in the province of Messina and are left without human intervention for the most part.
Average height 15 – 16 hands
Head is slight heavy with a straight or ram profile
Neck is short, straight and crested
Back is medium in length and can tend to sag
Shoulder is muscular
Legs are muscular and strong with slight feathering at fetlocks
Hooves are strong and solid
Traditional Colors
Sensitive and kind
Work horse
Riding horse
Meat production
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