The Comtois is a handsome light draft horse that is thought to be descended from horses of the great ‘Germanic Breed’ brought to France from Germany during the 5th century.
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The Comtois is a handsome light draft horse that is thought to be descended from horses of the great ‘Germanic Breed’ brought to France from Germany during the 5th century.
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Most famous for their role as the mascot for Budweiser Beer, the Clydesdale is best known dressed up for show. White feathered feet and solid stature infuses the Clydesdale horse with a wise and regal look.
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The oldest breed of horse from Britain, originally from the Cleveland area of North East England. The church was principally responsible for keeping the bloodlines and the Cleveland bay type.
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The Cyanta or Chyanta pony is native to Nepal and is very similar in physique and bloodlines to the Bhotia Pony and the Tattu Pony, (slightly smaller than the Bhotia and slightly larger than the Tattu).
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The Chumyshskaya or Chumysh horse was developed by people near the Chmysh river in the Altai region of Russia. The goal was to improve the small local animals by adding draft and saddle blood. The result of such crossbreeding and then interbreeding of suitable offspring was a valuable agriculture-type horse.
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Another variety of Peruvian Criollo, the Morochuco Chumbivilcano or Chumbivilcas Horse is also found at higher altitudes in the Andes of Peru. Adapted to an extreme climate and poor fodder, they are a hardy little breed.
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The Chilote Pony is found on Chiloe Island off southern Chile, a largely undeveloped place. The Spaniards captured the island from the native people in 1567 and controlled it until early in the 19th century.
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A robust and hardy animal, the Cheval de race Auvergne or Auvergne horse still bears the look of a warhorse. Like many draft-types, the advent of machinery created dwindling numbers however there are recent efforts to keep their bloodlines going. The can be found in the Puy-de-Dôme and Cantal areas.
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These ponies come from the Cheju island off the coast of South Korea. From the years 935 – 1910 this province was used as a place of political exile as well as a place for grazing horses.
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