Originally developed for military use they were later popular for hunting at which they seem to excel. These animals are tough as nails and can walk through or over almost anything.
This is a specific type of Mongolian horse that dates back to the middle of the 17th century. They were developed in China by crossing different Mongolian strains in northeastern China. Originally developed for military use they were later popular for hunting at which they seem to excel.
The resulting animal is robust, easy to keep and able to cover amazing distances while carrying amazing loads. Like many breeds, inhospitable climates create incredibly resilient animals. Surviving sub freezing temperatures and days without food – during severe winters hunters will feed their horses dried boar meat.
Average height 12 – 12.3 hands
Head is heavy and tapering
Neck is short, thick and heavily muscled
Back is long and strong
Hindquarters are strong and well muscled
Legs are short with good bones and strong joints
Hooves are well shaped and very hard
Traditional Colors
Generally grey or bay, but can be found in most colors
Steady and honest
Hunting horse
Pleasure horse
Pack animal