A rather new Russian breed, the Tchara, Chara or Charysh horse is an Altai type and aimed primarily at meat production. However they are also popular as a utility and riding animal. The breed is named for the Chara river.
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Also called Vardy, Northumberland Chapman and Bakewell, the Chapman horse is an extinct breed that was once native to England. Their name came about because they were used by chapmen (traveling salesmen) as pack horses for their wares. Although this breed was a versatile animal and strong enough to withstand much more strenuous labor.
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The Chamurthi pony is one of the four recognized indigenous horse breeds of India, although their bloodlines are thought to have come from Tibet originally. They can be found in the Pin Valley of Lahaul-Spiti.
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The Chakouyi is a very little-known and ancient breed of light horse (technically a pony) that comes from the Silk Road area of China.
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The Chahou Post is a breed from the Tibetan Autonomous County of Tianzhu, Yongding, and Gulang County, Ganshu Province, China. They are highly resistant to disease and incredibly hardy due to their extreme habitat.
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The Cavallo del Catria or Catria Horse is a native breed from the mountains of Pesaro, Ancona and Perugia provinces in Italy. This breed is an incredibly tough animal, their mountainous habitat shaping their calm nature and surefooted gaits.
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Although the word tacky is often thought of as cheap, it was used to describe the Marsh Tacky simply because they were so common the the swampy areas of South Carolina & Georgia.
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The Canadian Sport Horse fits into the hunter type and is a strong contender in show jumping, dressage and eventing circuits.
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The Canadian Rustic Pony is a highly athletic animal that has recently seen an increased interest. They are the first horse breed developed in western Canada.
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Closely related to Canadian horses, the Canadian Pacer comes from the same initial stock of French horses sent to the New World during the mid to late 17th century.
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