Desert Norman Horse


This breed is basically an early form of the Percheron breed, before they became the heavy animal they are today.


The Desert Norman Horse began in a district of Normandy in France – which is one of the oldest horse breeding areas on the planet. In 732 AD Arabian animals were abandoned by the Moors after their defeat in the Battle of Tours. These animals were crossed with massive Flemish stock and the resulting animals came to be known of the Percheron which has endured since.

During the Crusades more Arabian blood was added and bred into the Percheron lines. The resulting animal was versatile and as well suited for driving as they were for riding or farm work. The Desert Norman is today’s version of those original bloodlines. During the Industrial Revolution, the demands of farms and transportation changed and began to require more robust animals. The response was to create a heavier & more powerful animal that we know as the Percheron today.

These days there is a renewed interest in the Desert Norman and in keeping with their smaller, more refined bloodlines. Desirable animals display a balanced, rhythmic stride, free movement and are versatile performers.


Average height 15 – 16.2 hands


Head is attractive and well proportioned
Forehead is clean and refined
Ears are small and curved
Eyes are large, expressive and confident
Neck is medium in length and arched
Chest is broad and muscular
Shoulders are slanted and well muscled
Back is short, strong and well defined
Legs are well muscled and well proportioned
Hooves are large, dense and well angeled

Traditional Colors

black | grey | bay


Calm and intelligent
Willing & sociable
Alert & curious


Eventing horse
Competition horse
Riding & pleasure animal

Helpful Links

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The Desert Norman Horse Registry