The Pony di Esperia or Esperia Pony is an Italian pony, named for its home region in Italy with horse like characteristics, a big stride and an inclination for sporting.
This pony breed has been evolving for the last two centuries and began when Baron Ambrogio Roselli di Esperia decided he wanted to improve the population of local semi-feral horses. Other Italian breeds were added, but were unable to adapt to the rocky terrain. In 1840 the Baron purchased several Turkish animals which proved to assimilate into the Esperia and adapt to the local footing.
The breed thrived until the second World War, when they came close to extinction. They were used by the military to set off mines and by the locals as a source of food. In 1962, the Esperia breed was officially recognized and their breeding has spread through many parts of Italy. According to the DAD-IS this breed is endangered and as of 2023 there were 1842 left.
Average height 13 – 14 hands
Head is short with a straight profile
Neck is proportionate and medium sized
Chest is well developed and muscular
Legs are robust with strong, clear joints
Mane and tail are abundant
Traditional Colors
Black, bay and brown (or according to the DAD-IS ‘blackish’).
Lively, attentive and docile
Pack animal
Show pony
Competition mount